How emergency physicians can tailor their approach to transgender individuals and establish patient trust Nine months ago,...
Emergency medicine providers must have keen interviewing skills, an ability to convey openness and kindness to the...
Recommendations cover staffing, education, equipment, procedures, follow-up tips, and performance improvement measures for geriatric emergency care The...
How the International Classification of Diseases coding system got its start and why emergency physicians should know...
Provisions of health care reform spark lawsuits, divide state leaders, and encourage release of federal guidelines to...
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that 2.5 million people will leave the workforce over the next...
National Security Council staff director for medical preparedness policy, Richard Hunt, MD, FACEP, discusses the value of...
Medication reminders, motivational and healthy-living tips sent by physicians through TExT-MED mobile health messaging program helped diabetics...
Conditions related to cross-sex hormone use, postoperative wounds, cardiovascular risk, and sexual and mental health concerns in...
Emergency physicians dispel common beliefs about contrast allergies, antibiotics in nasal packing, tap water as an irrigation...
How the SGR Medicare physician-payment formula became flawed and why a fix is unlikely in 2014 Even...
How emergency physicians can minimize stress, avoid confrontations while meeting patient needs Drug Diversion and Abuse Is...
The EMCrit call/response checklist offers tips to prepare patients and ED teams, gather equipment needed to perform...
Instead of imaging, a clinical history and physical exam can safely evaluate back pain in ED patients...
Important data sources and applications of ED measures and how they can impact the practice of emergency...
What physicians should consider when hiring a financial planner or asset manager In 2010, a former postal...
Abstracts will be accepted until 4 pm CST on April 25 Abstracts will be peer-reviewed for presentation...
Nominations for outstanding educators in emergency medicine must be submitted by April 14 Each year, ACEP sponsors...
Comments related to guidelines about use of intravenous thrombolytics for ischemic stroke must be submitted to ACEP...
Revising the use of thrombolytics in ischemic stroke could reverse nationally accepted practices, guidelines in the ED...
As practitioners of universal coverage, EM providers should be at forefront of discussions about health care rights...
ACEP Now: Vol 43 – No 09 – September 2024
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