The wait times to see a clinician for BH patients have been reduced by 40 percent, another win for the team (see Table 2).
The team started using Tableau, a software platform for tracking data that allows for daily analysis of ED operations. One of the nice features in Tableau is called the “temperature gauge,” which allows a quick visual of performance (see Figure 3).

Figure 3: Tableau temperature gauges for before (top gauge) and after (bottom gauge) implementation of Hasbro Children’s Hospital’s change package. Arrivals are mapped by hour, with the the top row of the gauge indicating EMS arrivals, the middle row ambulatory patients, and the bottom row total patients. Patients waiting under 30 minutes are green, and patients waiting more than an hour are red. Before the change package (top guage), the wait times to see the physician were 39 minutes, and the red indicates that some hours of the day some patients waited more than an hour. The lower temperature gauge shows the median wait times by hour after the new change package went live.
The HCH leadership team lived up to their project slogan “Expedite to Excellence.” And according to the Figure 3, the team has definitely gone green!
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