KK: What are some of the challenges and struggles you go through together as a couple with your busy schedules and your relationship?
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ACEP Now: Vol 37 – No 10 – October 2018AB: I think we consciously have to work hard not to allow for constant shop talk. With both of us being very interested in health policy and both of us working as physicians, we have the tendency to bring a lot of our work home. Luckily, we are in different specialties; that has helped.
We have done a lot of planning for going on trips together. We go to the gym together, exercise together, etc., and that has made a huge difference toward ensuring that we keep some level of balance and reality to the world that we live in.
KK: Steve, what are some of the unique characteristics, positive or negative, of being married to an emergency physician?
SF: Well, the first thing I would say is that a noninvasive cardiologist and an emergency physician are pretty much the opposite extremes of the decision-making processes. Adam makes decisions very quickly with limited information, and that’s the nature of his personality and his job. As a cardiologist, nearly every decision that I make is a decade-long decision, where I’m trying to optimize long-term outcomes, which is the complete opposite mindset.
I’ve found that Adam’s and my decision-making styles complement each other tremendously. We both benefit from joint decision making because I will bring in more considerations into some decisions that we make together, and he pushes me to make a decision.
KK: Do you have any words of advice for emergency physicians or their significant others or life partners about how to make relationships work?
SF: You have to compromise, and you have to talk. Sometimes, you have to give, and other times, you get the benefit of support from your partner. I think those are features of any solid relationship.
AB: Understanding that everything that Steve does, whether I agree with it or disagree with it, I know he loves me and he loves our relationship. I know that he wants what’s best for me, and he knows that I want what’s best for him, and we want what’s best for us. That’s so important.
KK: Adam and Steve, I really appreciate your time, and thank you for your openness.
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