The Clinical Policies Committee will review ACEP members’ comments and supporting evidence through March 24
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ACEP Now: Vol 33 – No 02 – February 2014In response to the 2013 Council- and ACEP Board–adopted Amended Resolution 32(13), which was passed by 75% of the Councilors, the “Clinical Policy: Use of Intravenous tPA for the Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Emergency Department,” published in 2013 in Annals of Emergency Medicine, will be reconsidered. The Clinical Policies Committee, as directed by the Board of Directors, will review the current literature with a fresh set of eyes. In order to benefit from the opinions of the membership, a 60-day ACEP comment period has been opened. Comments received, along with supporting evidence and any new evidence, will be carefully reviewed, and the evidence graded. References should accompany comments so that the evidence can be carefully considered and graded. Findings will be reported to the ACEP Board.
Also, per the resolution, future clinical policies will include a 60-day comment period before finalization.
Go to www.acep.org/commentform/IVtPA-Stroke to comment.
The comment period will be open until March 24.
One Response to “ACEP to Reconsider Clinical Policy on Use of Intravenous tPA to Manage Acute Ischemic Stroke in the ED”
December 5, 2014
Due pesi, due misure - EM Pills[…] venga detto. Se pensate che questo sia il vaniloquio di uno squilibrato basti dire che l’ACEP sta riconsiderando le proprie posizioni d’indirizzo sulla trombolosi, inizialmente redatte in accordo con la […]