As Vice Speaker I will listen as effectively as I speak, guide as effectively as I lead, and encourage as effectively as I advocate.
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ACEP Now: Vol 42 – No 08 – August 2023Ultimately I will work to foster a spirit of collaboration and engage with the Board in ways which will allow the collective wisdom of College leadership to emerge in a way that meets our unified purpose, a strong College which represents all of its members well and ensures that your voice is heard.
Current Professional Positions: Attending physician and core faculty, Mercy Emergency Care Services, Team Health, and Lucas County Emergency Physicians, Inc., Premier Physician Services, Toledo, Ohio
Internships and Residency: Emergency medicine residency, The Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus
Medical Degree: MD, Medical College of Ohio at Toledo (2004)
The Council Officers actively participate in ACEP Board Meetings to ensure that the Council’s will and voice is represented. Similarly, the Board attends and listens to Council debate to understand each resolutions’ intent along with the tenor of discussion so they can understand the impetus behind each Council action. In the rare instance the Board would propose an action contrary to Council’s will, the Council Officers are the crucial link between the Board and the Council to assure ACEP keeps members’ interests at the core. While not burdened with a vote, the Council Officers can devote their time fostering debate and building consensus that considers Councils’ directives.
The most likely scenario in which the Board would differ from Council would be on a controversial issue, especially a late breaking issue after the resolution deadline. We saw this just this past year during the rapidly changing landscape around reproductive health with its potential profound effect on both our members and our patients. Our Council Officers ensured that the original intent and will of the Council was maintained while the Board amended the original resolution adopted by Council.
When it comes to maintaining our principles and building consensus around a time critical issue that impacts our members, I have proven expertise. I acted as our council officers did when I was serving as Ohio Chapter president. In our state a residency program was thrown into turmoil when a contract group was abruptly changed. Over several days I actively listened to our members and gathered information to inform our Board how we could best help our members, especially the program’s residents. In the end, we were able to facilitate placement for many of the program residents to stay in Ohio and provide employment guidance for numerous faculty. Additionally, I helped arrange free access for the residents to the Chapter’s educational materials during the unexpected transition. Through this difficult time, I made sure all sides were heard to help build consensus within our Board while continuing to serve our members’ interests.
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